
Interaction Designer | UX/UIComputer Science

based in Oslo,


working @


Dusan Jakovic Vector


Shows three screens of the new purchesing flow for house insurance: the start screen, selecting the insurance plan and the receipt.

Home insurance (new) | UX/UI

Web app design
About the insurance screen. Showing information about what it does and does not oover, the price and section with frequent asked questions. It has a navbar with three buttons: back, continue and show price details (in that order).  It uses DNB as the insurance distributor.

Home and travel insurance | UX/UI

Web app design
Login screen for buying cabin insurance. It has two sign in options, a decorative image of a cabin and a person, feedback module, and constact information. It uses DNB as the insurance distributor.

Cabin insurance | UX/UI

Web app design
Screen showing a detailpage of an active house insurance. There is information about the cost, validity, documents, the house itself, and much more. The page offers also a button to report damage, cancel the insurance and open the insurance documents. Using SpareBank1 as the distributor of the insurance.

House insurance | UX/UI

Web app design

Device history | UX/UI

Web app design

Macros | UX/UI

Web app design
Mobile Application Mockup Design for Fremtidens Arbeidsgiver


Mobile app design

Spotify | UI

iOS widget design
Mobile Application Mockup Design for Fremtidens Arbeidsgiver
iPhone 11 X pro the impossible game mockup

Splitt | UX/UI

Mobile application design
iPhone 11 X pro the impossible game mockup

The Impossible Game | UX/UI

Mobile application design
Mockup Design of Mobile and Web Application for X Connect

xConnect | UX/UI

Mobile and web application design
Rentool screens showcased with multiple mockups

Rentool | UX/UI

Mobile application design
MOEA desktop application showcased with PC mockup

MOEA | Bio-inspired AI + UX/UI

Desktop application

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